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Prisk offers GATE services through the following program options:

Primary Accelerated Learner Services (PALS) 1st - 2nd: Students are selected to participate for a one-year placement to receive GATE services in a first and/or second grade classroom. We utilize multiple criteria developed by the GATE Office in collaboration with the Elementary Math and ELA Offices in LBUSD as guides for selection and placement of high potential students. 

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) 3rd - 5th: Students are placed in GATE classes either through identification to receive services or as a cluster student. GATE Office cluster criteria and recommendations are used to form clusters.

GATE services are implemented by highly qualified teachers that are GATE certified through the LBUSD. The Prisk GATE team meets regularly on site to collaborate and share how we respond to the needs, interests, and abilities of our students. Our services include a differentiated curriculum focused on Acceleration, Depth, Complexity and Novelty as outlined in the LBUSD GATE Approaches to Differentiation for Advanced Learners.

Our team submits a site plan to the GATE Office to annually communicate our curricular and instructional goals for the team. We share the role of GATE Coordinator and attend after school district meetings led by the GATE office. We continually participate in professional development and attend at least 6 hours of professional development in gifted education per year. Our favorite trainings include USC Summer Gifted Institutes with Dr. Sandra Kaplan, OCC GATE Conferences, and the California Association for the Gifted conferences.