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Principal's Message

Dr. Katie Hickox

Dr. Katie Hickox

Dear Prisk Elementary School Families,

I am honored to join the Prisk Pioneers as your principal!  I’d like to introduce myself to Prisk families.  

I bring with me 20 years of teaching experience, and seven years in leadership roles. My teaching experiences helped me to grow a deep appreciation for the amazing and diverse assets each student and staff member brings to a school.

After serving as an assistant principal at Addams Elementary and McBride High School, I joined LBUSD’s Equity Leadership and Talent Development team in 2021.  My work in ELTD has included co-facilitating the creation of programs to grow classified employee leadership, as well as supporting teacher leaders and school administrators.  

I love to cook, hike, and visit the beach.  My husband and son are avid surfers.   My favorite subject in elementary school as a student was writing, and as a former teacher, I still love to read students’ work as they develop a unique “voice”.

With its culture of innovation and creativity, Prisk is truly a school of Pioneers.  My goal is to work collaboratively with families and staff in support of uplifting our students. If you are not already a member of the Prisk PTA, I hope you will consider joining me in supporting their great work.  You can find out more about how to join the PTA by contacting

The best is yet to come - and full STEAM ahead!

All the best,

Katie Hickox, Ed.D.