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Dress Code

Prisk Elementary & LBUSD Dress Code

Academic Attire for Students 

All LBUSD K-8 schools require that students follow a uniform clothes policy. Please read our guidelines so that you will be fully aware of what is and is not acceptable in student dress at Prisk Elementary School. Students are expected to be dressed in the appropriate uniform daily. Prisk's uniform policy will be strictly enforced!  

Prisk School Uniform

Please read this information carefully. Students will receive a uniform violation should the Prisk Uniform Guidelines not be followed:


  • Navy Blue Pants, Shorts, Athletic Bottoms, Skirts, Skorts, Capris, Leggings, and Jumpers
  • Jeans are ONLY acceptable if they are the dark blue 
  • Leggings or tights worn underneath shorts  or skirts can be red, white, or navy.
  • Modesty in length of any/all bottoms is required; bottoms must be at mid-thigh or longer.
  • Rips/Holes are not permitted.


  • White, Red or Navy Blue (not powder/light blue).
  • Undershirts can be worn if they are White, Red or Navy Blue. 


  • Navy Blue, Red, or White Sweater, Vest, or Sweatshirt (appropriate logos allowed, pocket-sized or smaller preferred).


  • Shoes must cover the entire foot
  • No sandals or any other open-toed or open heeled footwear may be worn
  • No high heels may be worn


  • Prisk Spirit-Wear is always allowed as part of the Prisk dress code.
  • Hats or caps for warmth or sun protection are allowed outdoors only and may have small brands or logos.
  • Jackets/Coats/Windbreakers can be any color, but are only to be worn outdoors.
  • For safety purposes, students may not wear big or dangly earrings to school.  
  • If students do not adhere to the jean color policy, jeans will be removed from the uniform policy as an option.
  • Shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo are available in the Prisk Parent Center.
  • Tank tops are acceptable as long as they have at least a 2-inch wide strap.  No thin or spaghetti style straps.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call for clarification.  (562) 598-9601
If you need assistance obtaining any uniform garments, please call the office at (562) 598-9601 and ask to speak with the Office Manager or School Nurse.